November is Continence Awareness Month
My Ostomy
November is National Continence Awareness Month in Canada, a vital time dedicated to raising awareness about bladder and bowel health. While incontinence is a common issue affecting millions of Canadians, it often remains a taboo topic. This month, we aim to encourage open discussions, foster understanding, and highlight the importance of seeking help.
What Is Incontinence?
Incontinence refers to the involuntary loss of urine or feces and can affect people of all ages, not just seniors. Various factors, such as pregnancy, childbirth, aging, prostate issues, and neurological conditions, can contribute to incontinence. It’s crucial to recognize that many Canadians experience this condition, and there’s no need to feel alone or embarrassed.
Incontinence Resources
There are numerous resources available for those dealing with incontinence, aimed at providing support, education, and practical solutions. Healthcare professionals, including doctors and specialists, can offer personalized advice and treatment options tailored to individual needs. Online resources, including informative websites and forums, also allow individuals to connect with others facing similar challenges and share their experiences.
Learn more from resources below:
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