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Share Your Story - Jim Fitzgerald

My Ostomy

Share Your Story is a campaign to share stories of inspiration, hope, and living the journey of life with an ostomy.  

See Jim Fitzgerald (of Ostomy Toronto), share his ostomy story below! 

Q: How did this journey begin for you? 

A: I was diagnosed with FAP (familial adenomatous polyposis) at 32 and had most of my colon removed. As the years went on and complications with my colon continued, I begged my surgeon to give me an ostomy and she only agreed to the operation if it was a temporary ostomy thinking I would change my mind. 

But as it would turn out I hadn't felt that good in years so about a year later my ostomy was made permanent; that was roughly 10 years ago, and I have absolutely no regrets doing this.  

Q: What is something you know now that you wish you knew before? 

A: This is a tough one for me to answer. I guess I wish I knew how much better life is with an ostomy. 

Q: What advice would you give to a new ostomate? 

A: The hardest part of having an ostomy is getting your head around the idea that life isn't over just because you now have an ostomy, it's just beginning. And a favorite saying I have is it's better with a bag than in a bag. 

Q: What products are your favorite to use? 

A: I have tried products from all 3 major manufacturers, and they all make fantastic ostomy products. I tend to lean towards Convatec but I change it up every so often. 

Q: What are good resources for ostomates? 

A: The manufacturers and vendors of ostomy supplies are some of the best resources for products as vendors seem to know the product the best. 

Social media and ostomy groups like Ostomy Toronto are a fantastic way to connect with fellow ostomates and let's face it, no one else understand us like a fellow ostomate even if it's just to ask questions or get much needed support around the way life is now. 

It's very important to remember you are not alone. 

Pictured: Jim Fitzgerald and his wife Sue on their motorcycle trip from St. John’s Newfoundland and back to their home. It was an 8500km trip with no leak in sight! 

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