What is Flange Convexity?
My Ostomy
When purchasing a flange for your ostomy, they generally come in two styles: flat or convex. What an ostomate chooses to use is dependent on many factors, these being body type, specific stoma, and stoma size. Those who are most commonly in need of convex flanges include those with irregular stomas where flat flanges don’t fit properly. This can result in leakages and an irregular fit on your stoma. No two ostomates are the same and it is best to consult your doctor or NSWOC (Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence) about whether a convex flange would be right for you.
Why Would a Convex Flange be Needed?
There are many reasons why an ostomate may require a convex flange as opposed to a flat flange:
- Having creases near the stoma
- Scars
- Loose skin or creased abdomens
MyOstomy is excited to carry Marlen products. Marlen offers both flat and convex flanges and pouches in both pre-cut and cut-to-fit for all ostomate needs.
Shop our full collection of Marlen products.