Step Up for Ostomy: October 5, 2024

Step Up for Ostomy is a fundraiser for ostomy awareness hosted by Ostomy Canada on October 5, 2024. This will be a Canada-wide event to raise awareness about ostomy and collect donations. This goes towards ostomates and their families to help them live life to the fullest through support education, collaboration, and advocacy.

On October 5, 2024, people living with an ostomy invite their friends and family to walk, run, roll, slide, hop, dance, sashay, prance, bike, jump, chill, play cards, or whatever to raise funds and awareness for Ostomy Canada. Ostomy Canada is aiming to raise $100,000 as their goal this year!

MyOstomy is a proud Silver Sponsor of the event! We encourage you to help in anyway that you can, whether that be by raising ostomy awareness, donating to #StepUpForOstomy or simply by sharing your experience with us on social media!


Visit the Ostomy Canada page to learn more!
